Sunday, May 14, 2006

Great horny toads!

In which we spot a not-so-rare critter
Went on a long hike in the surprisingly picturesque Big Tujunga Canyon, in the Angeles National Forest. Today was the first day of real summer heat here in the Valley, a precursor of things to come in July and August, after the doldrums of June gloom. The trail was one of those steep, sandy desert alpine trails that mark canyon country. Combined, the heat and the steepness served to remind me of just how out of shape I have let myself become – how “un-Lambed” I am.

The high point is pictured above; the huge horn toad scrambled noisily across the trail and leaped up onto a bank, glanced back at me and froze – just long enough for me to snap that pic.

Thanks, Mr. Toad! You made my day.


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